Source code for sparklanes._framework.errors

from schema import SchemaError

[docs]class LaneSchemaError(SchemaError): """Should be thrown when a YAML definition does not match the required schema.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(LaneSchemaError, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def code(self): """Show the specific error from the super class""" error = super(LaneSchemaError, self).code return 'PipelineSchemaError: ' + error + '\nYAML file does not match the defined schema.'
[docs]class LaneImportError(Exception): """Should be thrown when a module or class in a YAML definition file cannot be imported.""" pass
[docs]class CacheError(AttributeError): """Should be thrown whenever task-cache access fails.""" pass
[docs]class TaskInitializationError(Exception): """Should be thrown whenever transformation of a class into a task fails (during decoration).""" pass
[docs]class LaneExecutionError(Exception): """Should be thrown whenever execution of a lane fails.""" pass