Source code for sparklanes._framework.validation

"""Contains helper functions, used for class and schema validation."""
import inspect

from schema import Schema, Optional, Or
from six import PY2, PY3

from .errors import TaskInitializationError, SchemaError

[docs]def validate_schema(yaml_def, branch=False): """Validates the schema of a dict Parameters ---------- yaml_def : dict dict whose schema shall be validated branch : bool Indicates whether `yaml_def` is a dict of a top-level lane, or of a branch inside a lane (needed for recursion) Returns ------- bool True if validation was successful """ schema = Schema({ 'lane' if not branch else 'branch': { Optional('name'): str, Optional('run_parallel'): bool, 'tasks': list } }) schema.validate(yaml_def) from schema import And, Use task_schema = Schema({ 'class': str, Optional('kwargs'): Or({str: object}), Optional('args'): Or([object], And(Use(lambda a: isinstance(a, dict)), False)) }) def validate_tasks(tasks): # pylint: disable=missing-docstring for task in tasks: try: Schema({'branch': dict}).validate(task) validate_schema(task, True) except SchemaError: task_schema.validate(task) return True return validate_tasks(yaml_def['lane']['tasks'] if not branch else yaml_def['branch']['tasks'])
[docs]def validate_params(cls, mtd_name, *args, **kwargs): """Validates if the given args/kwargs match the method signature. Checks if: - at least all required args/kwargs are given - no redundant args/kwargs are given Parameters ---------- cls : Class mtd_name : str Name of the method whose parameters shall be validated args: list Positional arguments kwargs : dict Dict of keyword arguments """ mtd = getattr(cls, mtd_name) py3_mtd_condition = (not (inspect.isfunction(mtd) or inspect.ismethod(mtd)) and hasattr(cls, mtd_name)) py2_mtd_condition = (not inspect.ismethod(mtd) and not isinstance(cls.__dict__[mtd_name], staticmethod)) if (PY3 and py3_mtd_condition) or (PY2 and py2_mtd_condition): raise TypeError('Attribute `%s` of class `%s` must be a method. Got type `%s` instead.' % (mtd_name, cls.__name__, type(mtd))) req_params, opt_params = arg_spec(cls, mtd_name) n_params = len(req_params) + len(opt_params) n_args_kwargs = len(args) + len(kwargs) for k in kwargs: if k not in req_params and k not in opt_params: raise TaskInitializationError('kwarg `%s` is not a parameter of callable `%s`.' % (k, mtd.__name__)) if n_args_kwargs < len(req_params): raise TaskInitializationError('Not enough args/kwargs supplied for callable `%s`. ' 'Required args: %s' % (mtd.__name__, str(req_params))) if len(args) > n_params or n_args_kwargs > n_params or len(kwargs) > n_params: raise TaskInitializationError('Too many args/kwargs supplied for callable `%s`. ' 'Required args: %s' % (mtd.__name__, str(req_params))) redundant_p = [p for p in kwargs if p not in req_params[len(args):] + opt_params] if redundant_p: raise TaskInitializationError('Supplied one or more kwargs that in the signature of ' 'callable `%s`. Redundant kwargs: %s' % (mtd.__name__, str(redundant_p))) needed_kwargs = req_params[len(args):] if not all([True if p in kwargs else False for p in needed_kwargs]): raise TaskInitializationError('Not enough args/kwargs supplied for callable `%s`. ' 'Required args: %s' % (mtd.__name__, str(req_params)))
[docs]def arg_spec(cls, mtd_name): """Cross-version argument signature inspection Parameters ---------- cls : class mtd_name : str Name of the method to be inspected Returns ------- required_params : list of str List of required, positional parameters optional_params : list of str List of optional parameters, i.e. parameters with a default value """ mtd = getattr(cls, mtd_name) required_params = [] optional_params = [] if hasattr(inspect, 'signature'): # Python 3 params = inspect.signature(mtd).parameters # pylint: disable=no-member for k in params.keys(): if params[k].default == inspect.Parameter.empty: # pylint: disable=no-member # Python 3 does not make a difference between unbound methods and functions, so the # only way to distinguish if the first argument is of a regular method, or a class # method, is to look for the conventional argument name. Yikes. if not (params[k].name == 'self' or params[k].name == 'cls'): required_params.append(k) else: optional_params.append(k) else: # Python 2 params = inspect.getargspec(mtd) # pylint: disable=deprecated-method num = len(params[0]) if params[0] else 0 n_opt = len(params[3]) if params[3] else 0 n_req = (num - n_opt) if n_opt <= num else 0 for i in range(0, n_req): required_params.append(params[0][i]) for i in range(n_req, num): optional_params.append(params[0][i]) if inspect.isroutine(getattr(cls, mtd_name)): bound_mtd = cls.__dict__[mtd_name] if not isinstance(bound_mtd, staticmethod): del required_params[0] return required_params, optional_params